QI (C series)

QI Series C

The front cover of the QI series C DVD, featuring Stephen Fry (left) and Alan Davies (right).
Country of origin  United Kingdom
No. of episodes 12
Original channel BBC
Original run 30 September 2005 – 9 December 2005
Home video release
DVD release date 1 September 2008
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This is a list of episodes of QI, the BBC comedy panel game television show hosted by Stephen Fry.


C Series (2005)

As with the previous two series, the episode titles below have been applied retrospectively. Series C saw the first appearances of Andy Hamilton, Doon Mackichan and David Mitchell, as well as the only appearances to date of Alexander Armstrong, Helen Atkinson-Wood and Rory McGrath.

Another notable first was the idea of the studio audience picking up or losing points for one of their number shouting out an answer. On this occasion - episode 9 - the audience received a forfeit. In later series though, the audience would be credited as the winners of some episodes. Rather ironically, series C is also the only series to date not to feature a Christmas-themed special.

Episode 1 "Campanology"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Amongst the famous actors from Port Talbot are Rob, Richard Burton, Anthony Hopkins and Michael Sheen.
Tangent: The etymology of the word map, from the word mapa, the Latin for napkin.
Tangent: Rich claims with £5,000,000, he'd like a map with a picture of him looking at the map.
Tangent: Stephen thought that he and his brother invented the word "fuck", so they were surprised when their mother said it to them. Rich first said "fuck" to his father, after his father peeped round his door and said "Shut the door, dad, I'm trying to fuck in here!"
Tangent: John Bunyan denounced bellringing along with dancing, playing tip-cat, and reading the history of Sir Bevis of Southampton.
Tangent: In the film Gladiator, the Roman Emperor played by Joaquin Phoenix was called Commodus.
Tangent: Alan's confusion over Emperor's names and champagne names.
Tangent: Stephen's inability to answer Alan if all the stars were round.
Tangent: Rich's attempts to make Stephen bluff the "QI Audience" into believing anything said by him.
General Ignorance

Episode 2 "Cummingtonite"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Captain Webb died in 1883 attempting to swim across the river at the foot of the Niagara Falls.
Tangent: Fry's various anecdotes on the Scottish accent.
Tangent: 95% of baked beans are eaten in Britain.
General Ignorance
Tangent: The echidna is the only other mammal, apart from the platypus that lays eggs.
Tangent: Just before Stephen Fry read out the points, the contestants attempted to break their glasses. Alan Davies appeared to succeed, but Doon Mackichan revealed that he had cheated. Stephen then revealed that Alan was trying to break sugar glass, and smashed one over his own head. Arthur Smith threw his into the 'QI' logo in the centre of the studio. It was fortunate he did, as his was real glass. (Doon threatened to sue jokingly).

Episode 3 "Common Knowledge"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: According to the Kinsey report, 1 out of 6 men in Iowa has had sex with a chicken.
Tangent: The Piccadill ruff.
Tangent: The Finnish word saippuakuppinippukauppias is the longest palindrome in the world.
Tangent: Rory's knowledge of all the atomic numbers.
General Ignorance
Tangent: Rory and Stephen discuss Latin bird names; while Sean humorously pretends to be dragged under his desk, claiming there is a portal to the underworld there.
Tangent: The door at 10 Downing Street is the only door that can only be opened from the inside.

Episode 4 "Cheating"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: George Eyser won six gymnastic medals at the 1904 games despite his left leg being made of wood.
Tangent: Cricket at the 1900 Summer Olympics: Britain beat France in the 1900 Olympic Games in cricket, although the French team was actually made of British Embassy officials.
Tangent: 65% of diseases found in humans are paralleled in the fruit fly.
Tangent: The sperm is the smallest cell in the human body, and the ovum is the largest.
General Ignorance
Tangent: The Swiss have the highest motorcycle and gun ownerships in the world. Jeremy was once pulled over in Switzerland, because of his car exhaust, but the policeman took no notice of his gun on the passenger seat.
Tangent: The guillotine was last used in 1977, when a one-legged French criminal was executed, Alan tried to gain extra points by claiming it was last used in 1960 in Vietnam, before Stephen corrected Alan.
Tangent: Only 3 people attended Charles Babbage's funeral.

Episode 5 "Cat's Eyes"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Female mosquitoes bite you and suck your blood, but not the males.
Tangent: The tiny carrot museum in Berlotte, Belgium. [1]
Tangent: Why children aged around 2 go off vegetables.
Tangent: The Gobi toad lives in the desert and waits every 7 years for rainfall and then they mate and go back into the desert.
Tangent: Stephen gave Prince Charles for his wedding present coffee made from Cambodian weasel vomit.
General Ignorance

Episode 6 "Cockneys"

Broadcast dates

Pin The Tastebud On The Catfish: Each of the panellists was given a catfish and told to put stickers on where they thought the catfish's taste buds were. The answer is that a catfish has thousands of taste buds all over its body.

Tangent: Kudzu is the only plant measured in mph in its growth.
Tangent: The Member of Parliament for Chelmsford West is called Simon Burns, but since he got a third at university, his nickname is "Third-Degree Burns".
General Ignorance
Tangent: Ian Fleming also claimed in the James Bond novels that homosexuals couldn't whistle and, when Stephen tried to he duly failed, and in You Only Live Twice, Tiger Tanaka says that 14 year-old Japanese sumo wrestlers were massaging the appropriate organs, the testicles would re-enter the body by the inguinal canal that they originally descended from.

Episode 7 "Constellations"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Jeremy devises an idea to build a ladder to outer space, which then turns into an idea for a space lift.
Tangent: Things people have done when asking for directions.
Tangent: The panel is shown a drawing of all the atmosphere and all the water on Earth squashed into ball, to illustrate how thin the atmosphere is.
Tangent: Sean scolds Stephen for mistakenly calling Chihuahua a province rather than a state.
General Ignorance
Tangent: Sean tells of how his sister gave her a Grow Your Own Luffa Kit as a Christmas present, which he names the "worst Christmas present ever".
Tangent: The panel discuss the use of luffas, which varies from Alan suggesting that they could be used to hit your twin on the head, and Sean saying that they could be used for discreet sexual entertainment in the bathroom.
Tangent: Henry Ford was an Anti-Semite and a supporter of the Nazis. Hitler only read two books when he was in prison, and one was Henry Ford. Stephen said that "there is nothing nice whatsoever to say about Henry Ford."
Tangent: Jeremy describes driving a Ford Model T as "the hardest thing in the world."
Tangent: Jeremy's experience of eating whale with a seal flipper with some grated puffin as a starter. He claimed it was 'exactly' like licking a hot Turkish urinal.
Tangent: Alan talks about the time when he was taught how to cook a galah.
Tangent: Alan asks "if you could glue one person's mouth up, who would it be? Rich says he'd do it to a ventriloquist.

Episode 8 "Corby"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Corby's high Scottish population and the size of its Rangers Supporters' Club.
Non sequitur: Stephen presents Alan with an Alan Potato Head.
Tangent: Nominative determinism.
Tangent: MSG and Umami.
General Ignorance
Tangent: The urban legend that the hooves of mounted statuary indicate the circumstances of the subject's death.

Episode 9 "Creatures"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: The number of chromosomes to each animal as no relation to their genetic make-up or the C-value paradox of each animal.
Tangent: The Adder's tongue fern has the most number of chromosomes at 1,320.
Tangent: Male bonobos practice penis fencing while hanging upside-down from the branches of trees.
Tangent: Sir Alfred Bird was the inventor of custard and made an eggless custard powder because his wife was allergic to eggs. He also invented baking powder in order to keep soldiers in bread.
Tangent: The panel listen to a recording of the singing dog singing, which Andy says is like Gracie Fields falling off a cliff.
Tangent: The plural of octopus is octopodes or octopuses, but not octopi. An octopus the size of a volleyball can fit into a soft drink can.
Tangent: Marie Curie and her daughter Irène Joliot-Curie (the second woman to win a Nobel Prize) died of leukaemia, while her husband Pierre died after being hit by a runaway horse.
This is also where part of the cuttlefish was hidden: Marie Curie's photo appeared on the screens in sepia tone, which was originally created using a pigment coming from cuttlefish. The Italian word for cuttlefish is sepia. However, this was not spotted by the panellists.
General Ignorance
Cuttlefish prize — Alan shouts out "cuttlefish" when the picture of Florence Nightingale appears in sepia tone.
Note: This 'fact' was later stated on the DVD release as false. The Scottish engineer William Playfair, first used the pie chart about 20 years before Florence Nightingale's birth. There is a dispute if Nightingale used the pie chart without the knowledge that it was used before.
Tangent: Bill recalls making a trip to a French town called "Bitche".

Episode 10 "Cleve Crudgington"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Lord Nelson had his arm amputated by a saw, an incredibly painful operation as there was no anaesthetic; though legend holds that he claimed the worst part was the saw being cold, so surgeons have pre-warmed surgical saws for their patients' comfort ever since.
Tangent: The South African cricket team once picked a one-legged Norwegian for their team during Apartheid, rather than pick an able-bodied native black person.
Tangent: Krug means beermug.
Luvvie Alarm: Stephen starts telling a story about his Champagne allergy at a party given by the Duke and Duchess of Westminster but is embarrassed into giving up.
Note: Torpenhow is pronounced /ˈtɔrpənhaʊ/.
Tangent: Boutros Boutros-Ghali means "Peter Peter-Expensive".
Tangent: Alexander Graham Bell (as stated in Series "A", Episode 11, didn't invent the telephone) helped invent a hydrofoil that travelled at 70 mph (110 km/h) in 1919 and a metal detector that tried to find the bullet lodged into President Garfield, but it was confused by his bed springs, so he died.
General Ignorance
Tangent: Charles Darwin collected all the worms from his garden and placed them on his snooker table and then got his son to blow a bassoon at them, to get to know them more as he didn't know too much about them.
Tangent: The bootlace worm is the simplest organism to have a separate mouth and anus.
Tangent: John's brother was nearly killed after being chased by a crocodile in a circus in Londonderry.

Episode 11 "Carnival"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: Coulrophobia is the fear of clowns and the fear of squirrels is sciurophobia.
Tangent: The Road Runner is a cuckoo.
Tangent: Coconut milk is the mushed-up flesh found in the coconut.
Tangent: Clive is the President of the Woodland Trust.
General Ignorance
Tangent: Croesus.
Tangent: In the Chinese version, the slippers are made out of gold, in Germany, they are made of silk and gold and in the Scottish version, they are made of rushes.
Tangent: Perrault added the Fairy Godmother, the Ugly Sisters and the mice.

Episode 12 "Combustion"

Broadcast dates
Tangent: The Duff-Gordons allegedly bribed the crew members of a lifeboat to survive.
Tangent: Why pistachio ice cream is green and vanilla milkshake is white.
Tangent: Coconuts kill 10 times more people than sharks do every year.
Tangent: Peter Cushing lived in Whitstable when Alan did and a local band, the Jellybotties[1] wrote a song about it.
Tangent: Stephen's phone call to Christopher Lee and his meeting with Vincent Price on the set of Witchfinder General.
General Ignorance
Tangent: Stephen shows where moths bit through the crotch area in his trousers. Balsa is mothproof, unike Stephen's trousers. Bill suggests Stephen had a lightbulb in his underpants.
Tangent: There is a type of flatworm called a planaria, which was discovered by a man called T. H. Morgan. 1/279 of it could regenerate into a full planaria.
Doubt Card (Bollocks Answer): Neil Armstrong and the Mr Gorski story – told as a fact but then shown to be the fictional answer. Alan correctly used his doubt card for this.


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